Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 16:30 | Friday: 8:00 - 14:00

Presentation of two new publications of Journalism and Communications Department, with the support of AMA

On Friday, January 31st 2020, two new publications of the Journalism and Communications Department were presented in the framework of projects supported by Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA), at the Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana. “Audiovisual Media Market, Audience Behavior and REGULATORY FRAMEWORK” and “Program Offer of Albanian Television Broadcasters” are two factual… Continue Reading Presentation of two new publications of Journalism and Communications Department, with the support of AMA

Albanian Parliament and AMA organize a round table on “Children in audiovisual media”

Albanian Parliament and AMA organize a round table on “Children in audiovisual media” Today, on July 12, 2019, the MPs Group “Friends of Children”, from Albanian Parliament organized in cooperation with Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) the joint round table on “Children in audiovisual media”. This meeting is held in function of implementation of recommendations that… Continue Reading Albanian Parliament and AMA organize a round table on “Children in audiovisual media”

Religious radios in favor of tolerance and coexistence

Religious radios in favor of tolerance and coexistence At invitation of the Head of Vatican Radio in Albanian language, Dom David Dhuxha, a delegation of Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) is holding a working meeting at this station’s editorial office, which started its broadcasting during the communist regime in our country. AMA’s delegation is composed of… Continue Reading Religious radios in favor of tolerance and coexistence

Audiovisual Media Authority and Ministry of Finance and Economy sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of consumer protection

Mr. Gentian Sala, the Chairman of Audiovisual Media Authority, together with Mrs. Anila Denaj, Minister of Finance and Economy, signed today a Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the general interest of consumers in the field of audiovisual media, in the process of service provision by operators of the field. Consumer protection is one of… Continue Reading Audiovisual Media Authority and Ministry of Finance and Economy sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of consumer protection

Follow-up meeting with local/regional operators for digitization process and financial compensation in the context of digital switchover

On June 11, 2019, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) organized a round table to discuss over the digitization process and the financial compensation procedure in the context digital switchover. Representatives of local/regional operators, representatives of Radio and Television Broadcasting Association (RRTL), as well as representatives of the Parliamentary Committee on Education and Public Information Means… Continue Reading Follow-up meeting with local/regional operators for digitization process and financial compensation in the context of digital switchover

Audiovisual Media Authority and Montenegrin Electronic and Postal Communications Agency Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

On May 30, 2019, Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) and Montenegrin Electronic and Postal Communications Agency (EKIP) signed a “Memorandum of Understanding for Exchanging Information in the Field of Electronic Communications and Audiovisual Media” . EKIP hosted in its premises AMA’s Deputy Chairperson, Mr. Sami Nezaj, Head of AMA Cabinet, Mr. Dritan Xhelili, and Head of… Continue Reading Audiovisual Media Authority and Montenegrin Electronic and Postal Communications Agency Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Deadline for application of projects postponed

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION OF PROJECT POSTPONED (2)   Following the “Call for Applications for Projects (2)” for media and civil society organizations, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) is informing herein that deadline for submission of project proposals, foreseen for  03.06.2019, at 11.00 am, is postponed for  10.06.2019, at 11.00 am. The project proposals filed with… Continue Reading Deadline for application of projects postponed

Press Release

In its meeting of May 16, 2019, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) reviewed the opinions that “Be Coffee” Section of “Albanian Sunday” Program, transmitted in “Klan”  national television  on 03.02.2019, expressed about the figure of the martyr Mujo Ulqinaku. Having heard the report of Complaints Committee on this issue, it noted that: The act of… Continue Reading Press Release

International Scientific Conference- Children and Media Education in front of new challenges

The International Scientific Conference on Children and Media Education in front of new challenges was organized today in Tirana. This conference was organized by Albanian Media Institute with the support of Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA), in the context of activities organized for the 20th anniversary of AMA. AMA’s Chairman, Mr. Gentian Sala opened this conference… Continue Reading International Scientific Conference- Children and Media Education in front of new challenges

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