Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 16:30 | Friday: 8:00 - 14:00


Law no. 97/2013 date 4.3.2013 ” On audio and audio-visual media services in the Republic of Albania” provides that the Council of Complaints is appointed by a qualified majority AMA and consists of:

Chairman of the Council of Complaints and two members of the Council of Complaints, specialists in the field of media.

Chairman and members shall be elected for a period of 3 years, with the right to be reelected more than once.

Council of Complaints has for the main object of his work the overseeing of implementation of the Broadcasting Code and regulations adopted by AMA, dealing particularly with respect for the dignity and rights of other fundamental human rights, in particular: the protection of minors, the right to information and public awareness regarding the observance of moral and ethical norms of programs audiovisual service providers.

The main functions of the Council of Complaints are:

The supervision of implementation of the codes and regulations of SMP and ART, according to the Law;
Review of public complaints
A periodic follow of foreign broadcaster, who completely or partially address the Albanian spectators for any informational purposes, comply with broadcasting codes;
To organize public polls for ethical issues in different programs. His conclusions are fruit of studying the questionnaires and the public complaints. AMA shall report suggesting measures for improvement of media environment. Conclusions can be published also in the media;
To publish, every six months in a special bulletin published by the AMA a summary of the conclusions of his studying.

Composition of the Counsil of Complaints:



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Street “Papa Gjon Pali II”, Nr. 15, KP 1010, Tiranë


Working Hours:

Mon – Wed: 8:00  – 16:30 pm

Friday: 8:00  – 14:00 pm

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