Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 16:30 | Friday: 8:00 - 14:00


At the start of the new broadcasting season, the Audiovisual Media Authority wishes to all the media service providers and their staff: A smooth proceeding and big accomplishments! The Audiovisual Media Authority avails of this opportunity to draw attention to all the media service providers the obligations deriving from the law 97/2013 “On Audiovisual Media… Continue Reading PRESS RELEASE!

AMA delegation, official meeting with the Independent Media Commission of Kosovo

The delegation of the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA), headed by the Chairperson of AMA, Mrs. Armela Krasniqi, paid an official visit to the Independent Media Commission (IMC) in Kosovo. In this meeting, AMA delegation was welcomed by the Chairman of the IMC, Mr. Xhevat Latifi and other IMC members. The main topics of discussion focused… Continue Reading AMA delegation, official meeting with the Independent Media Commission of Kosovo

Ms. Armela Krasniqi the Chairperson of the Audiovisual Media Authority, received in a meeting Ambassador Vincenzo Del Monaco, Head of OSCE presence in Albania.

Ms. Armela Krasniqi the Chairperson of the Audiovisual Media Authority, received in a meeting Ambassador Vincenzo Del Monaco, Head of OSCE presence in Albania. During this meeting, the two representatives discussed the challenges faced by the media today and the need to strengthen cooperation in this regard. Chairperson Ms. Krasniqi expressed her conviction that only… Continue Reading Ms. Armela Krasniqi the Chairperson of the Audiovisual Media Authority, received in a meeting Ambassador Vincenzo Del Monaco, Head of OSCE presence in Albania.

The Audiovisual Media Authority Chairperson Ms. Armela Krasniqi attended a meeting organized by OSCE High Representative on Freedom of the Media Ms. Teresa Ribeiro.

The Audiovisual Media Authority Chairperson Ms. Armela Krasniqi attended a meeting organized by OSCE High Representative on Freedom of the Media Ms. Teresa Ribeiro. In the meeting, Ms. Krasniqi touched on the vision that will lead her activity as the AMA Chair. Focusing on the main pillars, she highlighted the protection and rights of children,… Continue Reading The Audiovisual Media Authority Chairperson Ms. Armela Krasniqi attended a meeting organized by OSCE High Representative on Freedom of the Media Ms. Teresa Ribeiro.

A virtual discussion panel on “Advertisements for children, with children”, organized by AMA

On Tuesday, October 6th, 2020, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) organized a virtual discussion panel, titled “Advertisements for children, with children”. AMA’s priority is and has been child protection from harmful audiovisual content, with the majority of it consisting of commercial communications and advertisements. Some of the main commitments of the Authority are handling complaints… Continue Reading A virtual discussion panel on “Advertisements for children, with children”, organized by AMA

Audiovisual Media Authority and Commissioner for Protection Against Discrimination sign Memorandum of Understanding

Me qëllim forcimin e bashkëpunimit ndërinstitucional, me fokus rëndësinë e garantimit të mbrojtjes nga diskriminimi në fushën e shërbimeve audiovizive Autoriteti i Mediave Audiovizive dhe Komisioneri për Mbrojtjen nga Diskriminimi nënshkruajnë memorandum mirëkuptimi. Ky Memorandum mirëkuptimi synon institucionalizimin e bashkëpunimit dhe përcaktimin e rregullave dhe mënyrave brenda të cilave Institucioni i Komisionerit për Mbrojtjen nga… Continue Reading Audiovisual Media Authority and Commissioner for Protection Against Discrimination sign Memorandum of Understanding

Announcement for audiovisual media

Based on the latest COVID-19 spread developments in our country, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection has prepared ab information and awareness raising message for the population, providing basic and practical instructions for identifying and treating infected people, and for also guiding citizens in emergency cases. Pursuant to Article 34 of Law No. 97/2013… Continue Reading Announcement for audiovisual media

AMA Chairman meets Minister of Informatics and Administration of Northern Macedonia

KRYETARI-I-AMA-S-TAKON-MINISTRIN-E-INFORMATIKËS-DHE-ADMINISTRATËS-SË-MAQEDONISË-SË-VERIUT.jpg The chairman of the Audiovisual Media Authority Gentian Sala held a meeting with the Minister of Informatics and Administration of Northern Macedonia, Mr. Jeton Shaqiri. During this meeting was discussed the need to increase cooperation between the two regulatory institutions of Albania and Northern Macedonia, but also any problems that AMA may have at… Continue Reading AMA Chairman meets Minister of Informatics and Administration of Northern Macedonia

Academic Conference of the Journalism and Communications Department on the Quality of Albanian TV Broadcasters News, supported by AMA

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.19.7″ background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0)” custom_padding=”0px|||”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.19.7″ custom_padding=”0px|||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_image _builder_version=”3.19.7″ src=”” /][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.19.7″] On Monday, October 26th 2020, the Journalism and Communications Department organized an academic conference, titled “Quality of Albanian TV Broadcasters News”, at the Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana. The study project was supported by the Audiovisual Media Authority, as part… Continue Reading Academic Conference of the Journalism and Communications Department on the Quality of Albanian TV Broadcasters News, supported by AMA

AMA Delegation at the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo

2020_10_12_Komisioni-për-Qeverisje-Lokale-Administratë…1-1.jpg Today, on October 12th 2020, a delegation of the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA), headed by Mr. Gentian Sala, attended an official meeting with the Parliamentary Committee of Local Governance, Public Administration, Regional Development and Media, at the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, in the presence of the Speaker Mr. Mërgim Lushtaku, two Deputy… Continue Reading AMA Delegation at the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo

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