Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 16:30 | Friday: 8:00 - 14:00

Press Release

In today’s meeting, the Board of Audiovisual Media Authority imposed sanctions against certain Audiovisual Media Service Operators. Based on the complaints received by AMA and the relevant proposals, the Board decided to impose sanctions in the following cases: Ora News RTV The Board sentenced Ora News RTV to a fine of ALL 400,000 for the […]

AMA’s round table on “Protection of minors from harmful audiovisual contents”

On March 26, 2019, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) organized a round table about “Protection of children from harmful audiovisual content”. The participants were not only representatives of AMSPs but also from State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Child, Office of Personal Data Commissioner, State Labor Inspectorate, Albanian Council of Media, Child Protection […]

Albanian and Kosovo Regulatory Authorities meet to discuss about monitoring and evaluation of audiovisual programs

On Wednesday, March 6, 2019, a working meeting was held at the premises of the Audiovisual Media Authority, in Tirana, between the Program and Monitoring Units of both Albanian and Kosovo National Regulatory Authorities. The representatives of AMA and Independent Media Commission (IMC) focused more on the problem of content transmitted and their assessment based […]

AMA joins the Albanian Red Cross program for voluntary blood donation

 For the second consecutive year,  the Audiovisual Media Authority contributed to the blood bank- a program of Albanian Red Cross- in order to ensure sufficient blood for thalassemic children in Albania. The staff of AMA donated blood voluntarily to meet the needs of these children. In doing so, they promoted the human values of voluntary […]

AMA and Montenegrin Electronic and Postal Communications Agency official meeting in Tirana

On Monday, Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) organized, in its premises, a joint meeting with Montenegrin Electronic and Postal Communications Agency. AMA hosted a delegation from Montenegrin Agency, such as Mr. Zarko Darko Grgurović, Director-General of the Agency, Mr. Boris Jevrić, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Radio-communications, Mr. Elvis Babačić, Manager for Fixed and Mobile Radio-communications, […]

Call for bids to grant one audio analog broadcasting license

Pursuant to the Law No. 97/2013 “On Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, the Regulation on Procedures and Criteria for Granting Audio Broadcasting License, as approved by AMA’s Decision No. 153, dated 18.07.2016, as amended, and AMA’s Decision No. 22, dated 15.02.2019 on Calling a Bid for Granting a Private License in […]

IMC and AMA hold a consultative meeting on digitization process in Kosovo

On Monday, Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) organized, in its premises, a joint meeting with the Kosovo Public Administration, Local Governance and Media Committee, the Independent Media Commission (IMC). AMA hosted a delegation from the Parliament, Mr. Nait Hasani, Mr. Milaim Zeka and Mr. Valon Ramadani, and also Mr., Muja Ferati, the Chairman of Independent Media […]

Third meeting to discuss amendment to AMA’s and EPCA’s laws

Today, on January 11, 2019, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) and the Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (EPCA) organized the fourth discussion meeting about amendments to the Law No. 97/2013 “On Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, and the Law No. 9918, dated 19.5.2008, “On Electronic Communications in the Republic of Albania”, […]

Transmission of surreptitious advertising or abuse with the audio-visual communications on health care and medicinal products by AMSPs is prohibited

During its meeting of January 11, 2019, the first for this year, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) discussed broadly the programs transmitted by AMSPs, as well as the compliance with the Law No. 97/2013 “On Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, the Broadcasting Code and other effective secondary legislation currently into force. […]


The Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) is announcing that the switching off analog television broadcasting in Tirana and Durrës Regions, foreseen for January 15, 2019, is postponed until September 1, 2019. Currently, both broadcasting technologies, i.e. analog and digital, are operating simultaneously in these two regions. This simultaneous broadcasting method, which guarantees the continuity of receiving television […]

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