DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION OF PROJECT POSTPONED (2) Following the “Call for Applications for Projects (2)” for media and civil society organizations, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) is informing herein that deadline for submission of project proposals, foreseen for 03.06.2019, at 11.00 am, is postponed for 10.06.2019, at 11.00 am. The project proposals filed with […]
In its meeting of May 16, 2019, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) reviewed the opinions that “Be Coffee” Section of “Albanian Sunday” Program, transmitted in “Klan” national television on 03.02.2019, expressed about the figure of the martyr Mujo Ulqinaku. Having heard the report of Complaints Committee on this issue, it noted that: The act of […]
The International Scientific Conference on Children and Media Education in front of new challenges was organized today in Tirana. This conference was organized by Albanian Media Institute with the support of Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA), in the context of activities organized for the 20th anniversary of AMA. AMA’s Chairman, Mr. Gentian Sala opened this conference […]
On May 3, the Audiovisual Media Authority organized a ceremony on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. Various personalities contributing in the field of audiovisual media, MPs, journalists, analysts, academical staff, partners of AMA, and representatives of Albanian media attended the ceremony. This anniversary was also honored by presence of former officials of Audiovisual Media […]
On the occasion of Audiovisual Media Authority 20th anniversary, today, on May 3, an International Scientific Conference on Audiovisual Media Market, audience behavior and regulatory framework was organized with the cooperation of Journalism and Communication Department of TU. The 3rd of May is also remembered as the World Press Freedom Day. Representatives of academic life, […]
World Bank is supporting Albania with the digitization process. The project includes three crucial components: – Assessing the state of play of Albanian audiovisual market; – Providing technical assistance (drafting a plan for the continuation of digitization process- providing assistance with the management of frequency bands, digital dividend, etc.) – Building human capacities The first […]
Law No. 34/2017 amended: categories of beneficiaries, compensation amount and method of distribution
The national, regional and local audiovisual operators affected by the transition from analog to digital broadcasting will be partially compensated. The Law No. 34/2017, dated 30.03.2017, on “Digital Dividend”, provides for a partial coverage of additional net costs incurred during the switchover from analog to digital broadcasting. The financial compensation will be at EUR 5,000,000 […]
Pursuant to the Law No. 97/2013 “On Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, the Regulation on Granting Community Audio Broadcasting Licenses, as approved by AMA’s Decision No. 55, dated 04.04. 2016, and AMA’s Decision No. 64, dated 17.04.2019 on Setting the Frequencies for the Community Audio Broadcasting Service and Calling a Bid […]
The Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) is informing the public that, during April, pursuant to the Law No. 97/2013 “On Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, it has undertaken a series of controls against television piracy phenomenon. A total of 30 inspections were carried out in the areas where we have received information […]
Presentation of Annual Report 2018 In compliance with the fundamental principles for guaranteeing freedom of expression and the right to information, as obligations stemming from the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) worked harder in 2018 to satisfy its institutional tasks and duties as an efficient and independent regulator, […]