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Press Release

In its meeting of May 16, 2019, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) reviewed the opinions that “Be Coffee” Section of “Albanian Sunday” Program, transmitted in “Klan”  national television  on 03.02.2019, expressed about the figure of the martyr Mujo Ulqinaku.

Having heard the report of Complaints Committee on this issue, it noted that:

The act of resistance and contribution with the most sublime sacrifice by the martyr Mujo Ulqinaku, in tragic moments for the country, has obviously received inappropriate and unethical attention by the authors and actors of humor material. Mentioning his name and surname in an artistic creation and characterization with ridiculous and cynical notes goes in favor of denigration of those who specifically contributed to defending the fatherland.

We appreciate the inclusion of humor and satirical content for the entertainment of audiences of audiovisual broadcasting, but we also seek the understanding of content creators and actors not to overcome ethical norms causing a negative reaction of the public, in particular for the historical and national personalities.

Therefore, AMA draws attention to Klan Television, as well as other AMSPs to take into consideration and refrain from creating inappropriate situations that weaken and underestimate the role, contribution, and honor of historical personalities of our nation.


Audiovisual Media Authority


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