Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 16:30 | Friday: 8:00 - 14:00

Concern for the respect of intellectual property rights

Concern for the respect of intellectual property rights Chairman of the Audiovisual Media Authority, Mr. Gentian Sala held on Tuesday, 11.10.2016, held a working meeting with Mr. Donald E. Townsend, from Foreign Commercial Service of the US/ Patents and Trademarks Office of US. The main focus was the situation in Albanian audiovisual market regarding AAMSP’s… Continue Reading Concern for the respect of intellectual property rights

AMA and the Albanian Media Institute organize the training “Improving the reporting of children cases in media broadcasting”

AMA and the Albanian Media Institute organize the training “Improving the reporting of children cases in media broadcasting”   On June 16 and December 17, 2015 a group of 20 journalists and editors working in the public and private audiovisual media, developed a training module as part of the project “Improving the reporting children cases… Continue Reading AMA and the Albanian Media Institute organize the training “Improving the reporting of children cases in media broadcasting”

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Mon – Wed: 8:00  – 16:30 pm

Friday: 8:00  – 14:00 pm

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