Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 16:30 | Friday: 8:00 - 14:00

Appeal to the Audiovisual Media Service Providers: Attention to Disinformation!

The Audiovisual Media Authority gets the chance to bring back to the attention of the Audiovisual Media Service Providers the obligations deriving from the law 97/2013 “On audiovisual media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, the Broadcasting Code and other by-laws in force.

AMA has appreciated and highly appreciates the role and contribution of audio / audiovisual newsrooms in covering current events on developments taking place around the world and especially those related to the Russian aggression in Ukraine and the situation in and around it.

In recent days, prestigious international media have raised their concern in relation to the phenomenon of disinformation and the consequences it brings to society.

AMA believes that even in this case the Audiovisual Media Service Providers will take into account the ethical and professional requirements to report and present the news broadcast in a true, impartial and objective way, through fact-checking and contributing to the avoidance of disinformation.

AMA asks you to take into account the highest interests of the public, as stated in Law 97/2013 according to which; “…the activity of audiovisual broadcasting provides objective and impartial information to the public, accurately presenting the facts and events, as well as respecting the free formation of opinion…”

AMA has highly expectations that the Audiovisual Media Service Providers will further strengthen freedom of expression, pluralism and editorial independence in favour of the diversity and quality of the media offer to the public according to the highest principles of journalism.

Previous Business meeting between regional regulators for the EU Directive and the 700 MHz Frequency Band

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Working Hours:

Mon – Wed: 8:00  – 16:30 pm

Friday: 8:00  – 14:00 pm

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