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Monitoring results for 2023: 55% of identified violations relate to hidden ads

At AMA, protecting children from inappropriate content, ethical violations on a general perspective, as well as respecting the warning signs in certain time slots, represent the daily objective of the work of the content monitoring and analysis teams.

During 2023, the verification and review of 114 cases of audio and audiovisual broadcastings was performed in terms of their compliance with legal requirements. A “Warning” measure was issued for 48 cases, and for one case, a “Fine” sanction was imposed.

As reported in the annual data of the Directorate of Monitoring and Analysis in AMA, of the violations identified during 2023, 55% relate to hidden ads, 33% on ethical violations and inappropriate content for children, 10% on health ads and 2% on political ads.


Previous Council of Complaints: 390 complaints reviewed during 2023
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