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AMA accomplishes its goal: The Joint Industry Committee ready to kick-off its work on the Audience Measurement process

Today, AMA’s initiative the for the establishment of one of the most paramount instruments of the audiovisual market has been successfully finalized. After 6 months of work, the Joint Industry Committee is now official and will take the next steps to start the Audience Measurement process. 

Following an incentive process for the parties, under the leadership of the Audiovisual Media Authority, and following several roundtables organized with the attendance of senior managers of AMSPs and marketing agencies, as well as having selected 3 TV stations holders of regional licenses, the JIC is now complete and ready to move on.
Today, being an organization complete with all its stakeholders, the JIC will take the next step forward, i.e. court registration followed by decision-making for the process ongoing.

In the meeting held today at AMA’s premises, the President Mrs. Armela Krasniqi, having appreciated the positive willingness expressed by AMSPs for achieving this goal, once again highlighted the importance of Audience Measurement as an instrument that not only helps strengthening the transparency of the audiovisual market in the country, but also as an important instrument for identifying the extent of media influence of AMSPs on the general public.

The Joint Industry Committee has been elected by the participating AMSPs themselves during the roundtables organized by the AMA. The JIC is composed of 9 members based on the criteria established by the working groups with television representatives.

The Joint Industry Committee consists of the 3 private national televisions, the public operator RTSH, 3 televisions holders regional licenses and 2 marketing companies selected by the Association of Marketing Agencies operating in the country.

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