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Content monitoring in May: Social events, the most covered topic in the news editions of national TV broadcasters

During May, an increased number of social news was produced for audiovisual media. The data calculated by AMA’s monitoring and analysis teams indicate that social events occupied the largest percentage of news editions on national televisions, followed by politics.
As indicated in summary below, following social news with 13.27%, politics covered 12.51% of the broadcasting space, followed by crime news and international news.

The trends of news topics covered in news editions on national radio and television, as well as other detailed data on the time of political parties in audiovisual entities, synchronous actor, etc., are detailed on AMA’s official website, at Content Monitoring heading, and constitute a very good base of information for any type of study of the audiovisual media market in the country.


Previous Monitorimi i Përmbajtjeve në Maj: Temat sociale, më të trajtuarat në edicionet informative të televizioneve kombëtare
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