Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 16:30 | Friday: 8:00 - 14:00

Press release

AMA is closely following the current dramatic developments caused by the Russian aggression in Ukraine, a topic that is being addressed in all formats of information and analysis by the media. We highly appreciate the professional and responsible commitment of the audio-visual newsrooms for airing the events, providing news, interviews, comments and discussion forums between the experts and field specialist, in addressing this sensitive topic on the international stage, along with its effects and consequences, as well as these developments close and distant perspectives.

Inappropriate content, unconfirmed, intolerant and evoking nostalgic, glorifying sensations against the promotion of universally accepted democratic values by Western European countries and progressive democracies were reviewed during the monitoring process, as well as according to the complaints submitted to AMA. Three days ago, AMA submitted a feedback to AAMSP, due to the later was not in compliance with legal requirements, as well as yesterday regarding another case. The monitoring process and complaints review is ongoing, according to the requirements of Law 97/2013 “On audio-visual media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended.

The necessity for pluralism of opinions, to broadcast to viewers a diversity of views and analyses, can not justify the misuse of public broadcasting space for advocacy of individuals, entities or institutions that support the exercise of violence and enmity between people, or to become part of disinformation and misinformation campaigns.

AMA cooperates and is in sync with international partners. The latest official statement from the European Group of Regulators on Audio-visual Media Services (ERGA) mentioned the commitment to stay united and ready to contribute to the effectiveness of new EU economic sanctions on Russian state-controlled media, continuing to work closely with the European Commission.

“Furthermore, ERGA members will continue their work on disinformation, including misinformation about Russia’s current aggression in Ukraine,” claimed in the ERGA statement issued on March 2, 2022.

Previous Deklaratë për shtyp/ ERGA qëndron e bashkuar dhe e gatshme për të kontribuar në efektivitetin e sanksioneve të reja ekonomike të BE-së ndaj mediave ruse të kontrolluara nga shteti

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Working Hours:

Mon – Wed: 8:00  – 16:30 pm

Friday: 8:00  – 14:00 pm

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