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AMA is postponing until September 10 the closure of analogue broadcasts in Tirana and Durrës districts based on the request of national, regional and local operators

In the framework of the conclusion of analogue broadcasts in the Tirana and Durrës districts,  Audiovisual Media Authority, AMA, conducted several meetings with national, regional and local operators, focusing on examining some of their requests for postponement of the analogue broadcasting date, predetermined on 31.07.2018.

National operators, who have been launching decoder for years, have been requesting postponement of the deadline for a period of one month, because they are adapting these devices to comply with the requirements of the program order regulation, endorsed by AMA.

On the other hand, the Radio and Broadcasting Association, RRTL, which represent regional and local audiovisual subjects, addressed a number of requirements related to the difficulties encountered on the digitalization process of their broadcasts, among them and the time insufficient available for completing the process in Tirana and Durrës counties.

These requests were addressed by the RRTL and at the special consultative meeting held by Parliamentary Committee on Education and Means of Public Information dated 24.07.2018. During the meeting, the chairman of the Commission as well as the present deputies expressed their understanding of the concerns of local operators regarding the process and importance of their solution to the good administration of the digitalization process.

Concretely, on behalf of the Commission, it was decided to send a letter to AMA and RTSH, as well as to other relevant institutions that could address some of the issues brought to this table, including a review of the possibility of postponing the analogue frequency closing date by the end of the year.

As a result of the aforementioned developments, AMA extends the termination of analogue broadcasting in Tirana and Durrës districts, until 10.09.2018.

Previous AMA shtyn deri më datë 10 shtator mbylljen e transmetimeve analoge në qarqet Tiranë e Durrës më kërkesë të operatorëve kombëtare, rajonalë e lokalë.
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