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Adherence to the standard of Albanian language, meeting with AMSP in the districts of Vlora and Fier

The round table on “Adhering to the standard of Albanian language in audiovisual broadcasts”, organized by the Audiovisual Media Authority, (AMA), after Tirana and Shkodra, gathered on Thursday 21 June 2018 in the city of Vlora, representatives of the regional AMSP of Vlora and Fier.

Deputy Chairman of AMA, Mr. Sami Nezaj, at the opening of the Roundtable, focused his disccusion on the importance of this aspect in the content broadcast by audio and audiovisual subjects, with a direct impact on public education, as well as in preserving the best of spoken Albanian and written.

“Mass media have an extraordinary role in the public, so AMA is sharing ideas and suggestions in the meetings with the interest groups to look at the possibility of intervention for improvements in the legal and sub legal framework in force.

The Director of Programs, in AMA, Mr. Arben Muka, said that by the end of 2017 and following contents broadcast by national and regional audiovisual subjects with a focus on respecting spoken and written Albanian, are being reviewed, drawing attention to AMSP with the problems encountered.

Head of Content and Analysis Sector, in AMA, Mr. Zimo Krutaj, presented to the participants in the Round Table some of the main issues dealt with illustrative examples, such as cases of deviations from the Albanian language norm, syntax errors and unnecessary use of foreign words being spotted, spelling errors in the subtitles of television news, etc.

Representatives from the subjects of the two districts, such as TV 6 + 1, Apollon TV, TV 4 Plus, TV South, Radio Val and Blue etc., appreciated the AMA’s commitment, as well as presented some aspects and problems they have in respecting the standard of spoken and written Albanian, linking them more to economic hardships, reduced staffing, and the shortcomings in educating reporters and editors. They supported the idea for making Amendments to the Law 97/2013 and to the AMA Broadcasting Code for respecting spoken and written Albanian standards in content broadcast by AMSP.


Previous Round table in Shkodra and Lezha districts on “Respecting the standard of Albanian language in audio-visual broadcasting”
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