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AMA in the process of public consultation on the Draft Radio Regulation

The Audio-visual Media Authority held its second roundtable discussions on the AMA Draft Regulation on analogue audio broadcasts, which is undergoing the public consultation phase. The meeting held in Shkodra, follows the first round table held in the city of Korca with the audio service providers. The public consultation process, conducted by the Audio-visual Media Authority, aims the direct communication with the radio and newsroom representatives, discussing opinions and proposals between the parties, in order to create facilitated procedures, transparency and free competition, where opinions and the concrete proposals regarding the discussed Draft Regulation are taken into consideration by the Authority as an important contribution to the drafting of a final project, always in favour of the quality and variety of radio services. Representatives of private and public radios of Shkodra, Tirana, Lezha, Kukes and Dibra region participated in the round table discussion “Regarding the procedures and criteria for issuing a license for the analog audio broadcasting”. The president of AMA, Mrs. Armela Krasniqi, during her discussion stated that “The two participant cities, such as Korça and Shkodra are not by here for the consultative meeting by chance, since these two cities have contributed in the tradition and history of the Albanian radio. The Draft amendments will also reflect the operators requests regarding the application procedures or the facilitation of the conditions for the licence renewal” She highlighted that these round tables  increase the institutional efficiency and the coordinating position of the Authority with the operators, by creating the right path in avoiding penalties and correct implementation of the law. She also made the participants aware that the operators proposals and opinions in these meetings will be discussed with the board of AMA and its decision-making will determine the new Regulation. The participants focused the discussion of the Draft Regulation regarding the analogue audio broadcasting license duration, financial and program criteria, organizational and technical requirements, etc. as well as in the exchange of opinions by representatives of private radios, who highlighted the coordinating and cooperative role of the Authority with radio operators.

Previous Plani i ri Frekuencor, AMA me ekspertët e BE-së dhe operatorët kombëtarë

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