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AMA in Solidarity with Journalist of News 24 Mrs.Klodiana Lala

AMA in Solidarity with Journalist of News 24 Mrs. Klodiana Lala

August 30, 2018

The Audiovisual Media Authority was known by the media with the attack on the father’s apartment of the journalist Mrs. Klodiana Lala.

The free speech, the interlocutor of the journalist’s profession, is the foundation of a democratic society.

The Audiovisual Media Authority strongly condemns the gunfight and calls on the competent authorities to investigate and resolve this serious event as soon as possible.

First of all as a citizen and secondly as a journalist Mrs. Lala and her family should not feel threatened.

AMA, defends freedom of expression, independent media and journalists who exercise their profession with courage.

Audiovisual Media Authority

Previous AMA is postponing until September 10 the closure of analogue broadcasts in Tirana and Durrës districts based on the request of national, regional and local operators
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