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AMA Chair at the Human Rights Forum: Hate speech has become a global concern

The chair of AMA Ms. Armela Krasniqi, participated in the Human Rights Forum, HR30, “EMPOWER TALK: Standing against Hate & Embracing Rights,” organized in Tirana by the Albanian Government and the University of Essex, UK. 

In her speech at this forum Ms. Krasniqi stated: In today’s modern communication era, hate speech has become a global concern. Amid the number of challenges of the times we live in, the growing need to address the rising cases of hate speech, is naturally highlighted. Today, discussions center on the relationship between hate speech and fundamental freedoms, its connection with the law and the media, the impact of the internet and social media, as well as the self-regulation and co-regulation of the virtual space, which appears to have opened new dimensions.

“In this context, the challenge lies both with the media and regulators, such as AMA. We have worked based on several pillars: legal reforms, alignment with EU legislation and Western practices, respecting the Right to Information and Media Literacy for the public, which we see as the best investment for creating a smart and decision-making audience” – stated the Chair of AMA Ms. Armela Krasniqi to the attendees.

Previous Violent images and inappropriate language on television: In 2 days, AMA issues 9 “Warnings”
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