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Release of the 700 MHz frequency band, AMA meeting in Greece

Following the agenda of meetings in neighbouring countries with Albania to coordinate the process for the release of the 700 MHz frequency band, AMA President Mrs. Armela Krasniqi and the accompanying Albanian delegation held a meeting at the Ministry of Digital Governance in neighbouring Greece.

In this meeting Mrs. Krasniqi was welcomed by the Secretary General of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr. Athanasios Staveris Polykalas.

The President of AMA shared the experience and discussions she had with counterparts in other countries in the region about the challenges and opportunities for the release of this band.

At the end of the round table discussion, the representatives of the two institutions agreed to continue this bilateral round of discussions and seek solutions for the technical coordination in order to advance this process, which requires the cooperation of all neighbouring countries.

Earlier, Mrs. Krasniqi held a series of meetings in northern Macedonia and Montenegro, which were finalised in reaching an agreement. Bosnia and Herzegovina also expressed its agreement on the topic.

The ambition of President Mrs. Krasniqi is to enter a series of bilateral agreements with all the relevant neighbouring countries at the soonest time convenient.

Previous The Release of 700 Mhz frequency band, AMA has expressed its agreement in principle with Northern Macedonia

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