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Call for bids to grant a community audio analog broadcasting license

Pursuant to the Law No. 97/2013 “On Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, the Regulation on Granting Community Audio Broadcasting Licenses, as approved by AMA’s Decision No. 55, dated 04.04. 2016, and AMA’s Decision No. 64, dated 17.04.2019 on Setting the Frequencies for the Community Audio Broadcasting Service and Calling a Bid for Granting a Community Audio Broadcasting License, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) is going to organize a procedure for the selection of candidacies eligible for granting a community audio broadcasting license in the following areas:

No. Service Area Name of Operator Transmission Point

Frequency band (MHz)

1. Municipalities: Elbasan, Cërrik, Belsh Community Audio Petresh







Vlora Municipality Community Audio Zvërnec 89.4


Any operated interested to get a community audio broadcasting license is recommended to send an application by May 31, 2019, to the address of Audiovisual Media Authority, at Papa Gjon Pali II Street 1010, Tirana.

The bidding documents shall include:

  • Regulation on Issuing Community Audio Broadcasting License”;
  • Technical characteristics of transmission and technical characteristics of broadcasting stations.

Any operator willing to participate in the bid can take a copy of the documentation at AMA’s Archive-Protocol Office.

The bids will be opened on May 31, 2019, at 10:00 am, at the premises of AMA, where the applicant bidders or their authorized representatives have the right to be present at the moment of opening the application files.


Audiovisual Media Authority                                                    

April 24, 2019


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