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AMA launches the Media Literacy Campaign with parents and kindergarten teachers in Tirana. First stop at the kindergarten, “Duarartët”

The Audiovisual Media Authority kicked off the second phase of the Media Literacy Campaign. Initiated months ago with a cycle of informative and orienting videos dedicated to children and adults, on Digital Parenting, recognized digital risks, personal data protection, games, adds, on-line shopping, etc. This campaign was further extended aiming parents, kindergarten teachers and children of preschool age. 

This second phase entitled, “Media Literacy Competence for Preschool Ages”, designed and led by the AMA’s Council of Complaints, kicked off today at the “Duarartët” kindergarten, located at Administrative Unit No. 5, in Tirana, where parents and educators discussed with AMA representatives on the challenges of parenting in the digital age.

The media literacy campaign is conceived as a cycle of informative and awareness-raising conversations with parents and educators and focuses on preschool children aged 5-6 years, due to the peculiarities of their age development and the need for orientation in the media and digital world, on the eve of an important step in their lives before starting schooling.

At the “Duarartët” kindergarten, special attention was paid to the need to orient the child in the audiovisual environment and the use of protective mechanisms for their physical and mental health, exercise of parental control over the child’s presence and behaviour on the Internet, ways of limiting time of the child on-line, their protection from cyber risks, etc.

Raising interest was shows by parents about the features of digital identity and the importance of protecting personal data in digital environments, as well as the means of protection from the dangers that come from cyberspace, the presence and relationships users create in the cyberspace.

To guarantee effectiveness and geographic distribution, in cooperation and coordination with the General Directorate of Kindergartens and Nurseries of Tirana Municipality, preliminary interest based, 21 kindergartens in 11 administrative units of urban Tirana shall be part of the campaign. Under the motto ‘Media competence – for healthy and safe children!’, the next stops of the campaign are at the “Pema e miqësisë2 and “Ngjyrat e jetës” kindergartens, to continue at the same pace during the month of June.

Previous Content monitoring in March: Social events, the most covered topic in the news editions of national TV broadcasters
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