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World Bank supports Audiovisual Media Authority with the digitization process

World Bank is supporting Albania with the digitization process. The project includes three crucial components:

–          Assessing the state of play of Albanian audiovisual market;

–          Providing technical assistance (drafting a plan for the continuation of digitization process- providing assistance with the management of frequency bands, digital dividend, etc.)

–          Building human capacities

The first two components of the project will be funded by World Bank, while the third component- Building of Human Capacities- will be co-funded by the World Bank and the Knowledge Transfer Program of Korean Government.

In the context of this project, AMA hosted in its premises the first mission committed to its realization. The mission consisted of representatives of the World Bank, Knowledge Transfer Program of Korean Government (KSP) and the Korean Radio Promotion Association (RAPA).

AMA’s Chairman, Mr. Gentian Sala briefed the mission on the current state of play of the Albanian audiovisual market and, in particular, about the digital switchover process, the challenges that this process has faced. The parties exchanged basic information and discussed about the need to build human capacities, and of the technical assistance expected to be received from this Project.

Mr. Sala appreciated this Project as valuable for the Authority, not only for its contribution to building human capacities but also for providing technical assistance, since Korea has already completed its digital switchover process since 2013 and it is an avant-garde country in technological development.

At the end of this meeting, the parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

During their stay in Tirana, the representatives of World Bank, KPS and RAPA held meetings with the line ministry and the national public and private digital operators.


 Audiovisual Media Authority

Tirana, April 25, 2019

Previous Autoriteti i Mediave Audiovizive merr mbështetjen e Bankës Botërore për procesin e digjitalizimit

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