At the start of the new broadcasting season, the Audiovisual Media Authority
wishes to all the media service providers and their staff:
A smooth proceeding and big accomplishments!
The Audiovisual Media Authority avails of this opportunity to draw attention to all
the media service providers the obligations deriving from the law 97/2013 “On
Audiovisual Media in the Republic of Albania”, as amended, the Broadcasting
Code and other by-laws in force.
AMA shall continue to monitor broadcasts, for the implementation of the
requirements pursuant to the legal framework, or the commitments that the
media service providers have undertaken in the licensing process.
The principles on which Law 97/2013 is based relate to free audio-visual
activities, which impartially respect the right entitled to the freedom of
information, political beliefs and religious beliefs, personality, dignity and other
fundamental human rights and freedoms. Such activity respects the rights,
interests, and moral and legal requirements for the protection of minors.
AMA due to the commitment to the performance of functional tasks as a
regulatory institution, focuses on the priority of protection of children from
harmful audio-visual content.
Shows with/for children generate sensitivity in the audience, among children,
parents, relatives, or custodians. Treating children as adults, or as generators of
unnecessary emotions on shows, is a phenomenon that must be avoided,
whether in live or recorded broadcasts. AMA has welcomed and encourages
that even in this new season, the use of children on screen should be avoided,
or the transmission/retransmission of inappropriate content for their age, at
watershed periods that children are supposed to be in front of the screen.
Recently, the treatment of the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a considerable
space in the television program provision.
AMA appreciates and highly evaluates the role and contribution of audio-visual
newsrooms in covering current events on the pandemic and addressing the
In this new programming season, AMA believes that media service providers
will acknowledge the ethical and professional requirements to report and
present the news broadcasting in a true, impartial, and objective manner.
AMA invites you to consider the public interests to balance the presentation of
opinions, to create spaces for genuine experts in the field.
Furthermore, AMA as a regulatory institution invites you to avoid phenomena
such as:
distortion of confirmed scientific results
enhancing/balancing the presentation of ideas and opinions, not creating
mediums for the development of debate tables with non-experts in the field.
The Audiovisual Media Authority also expects the media service providers to
abide to the rules and norms of the Albanian language, to avoid the use of
indecent or profane language in audio-visual broadcasts.
For the start of this new audio-visual programming season, AMA has the
highest expectations that the media service providers will further strengthen the
freedom of speech, pluralism and editorial independence in favour of the variety
and quality of media products for the public.
Audiovisual Media Authority